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  • Blood, Feathers, and Fury

    Blood, Feathers, and Fury

    I have hated them for as long as I can remember. They are lazy, entitled, and otherwise useless creatures that arrogantly waddle about Campus defiling the air with their repulsive din. Some say they are what make the University of Waterloo’s campus unique, yet I see them as nothing more than a disease, and why…

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  • Constellations


    An old man, wrapped in a lint-covered wool coat, sat on a dewy bench beside a young girl with sparkling eyes whose feet couldn’t quite reach the ground. One of them was a stranger, and one was not. They were alone at the edge of a cornfield. The dark rows stretched endlessly into the evening…

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  • 301 ION

    301 ION

    Nameless faces with Hidden pains Rest on frosty glass Or droop in The vacant aisle We are alone In good company Hidden yet seen A weary reflection Stares from the window We dive in our screens While the hollowness screams Our music turned louder To silence friendly chatter We’re lost but on course The air…

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  • Enlightenment in Manure: A Pig Farmer’s Wisdom

    Enlightenment in Manure: A Pig Farmer’s Wisdom

    “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” ― Charles Dickens I had to move nine hours north to leave the pigs. Just over a year before the…

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