
As I walked in the morning
On the still dewy grass
A child sprang up and said
Let’s play with toys and
Sticks and string and things
I’ve nothing to do
And you’ve nowhere to go
Before I could decline
Or issue my warning
He ran
At around midday a
Preoccupied person
Came bustling by
Where are you going?
To find love
Or a career
Or something in
He sang over his shoulder
With a smile that grew colder
Night fell with
Its crushing weight
And as I considered
Its solemnity
I found myself
Sitting beside an old man
On a worn
He was gazing at the sky
What do you see sir?
Without turning
Or blinking his
Softened lids
He formed one word
From a voice that
Laughed hated and loved:
And in his granite tears
I saw eternity shimmer

Photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger (Pexels)